You have landed Sweet-One.
You are in the right place.
Surrounded by Honeybees and Infinite Grace.
We are listening. We are Here. All Channels are Open.
To every word from your Heart that wants to be spoken.

A Flowering Heart is a beautiful thing to experience and Bee-hold.
But sometimes our tender hearts need a little extra help to open. Sometimes they need to be reminded to feel the sun pouring in, so that they can unfurl and unfold. To remember to blossom and to be, to flower and to flow. Sometimes our heart needs to be reminded to trust in its unfolding and to wait patiently for the humble honey bee to arrive to imbibe its nectars. To trust in Grace.
(Divine) Grace and the Bees have asked me (Grace Jordan) to be a conduit for their Sweet Medicine and their Divine Wisdom.
And to share it with your Flowering Heart.
I have been asked because I share with them a deep love and compassion for human beings and their brave hearts, on this our epic Earth pilgrimage.
So we want to help uplift and inspire and re-acquaint you with your own Flowering heart and its sublime nectars. To encourage its blossoming and its bee-ing. So that you can go out and make honey with your life.
Meet Grace
Humm-Hello, my name is Grace and I want to thank you for arriving here and for taking the time to read these words “About” me.
The Bees felt that in the space where I was to talk ‘About’ me – Grace Jordan, I was to give you a sense of the floral essence of my Soul - the Essence of my Fluorescence. A taste of the honey that has been made from a lot of life’s foraging, a feel for the Human Heart that trembles in awe before Yours.
Honeybees were/are a Gateway to (Divine) Grace for me.
And to my own Flowering Heart.
Or was it the other way around.? It was Apis Mellifera, the humble honeybee, who lifted the murky veil from my wide and stunned eyes. They made the world green again, all flowers and colour and beauty and light. They penetrated my deeply wounded heart with their infinite love. They hummed their way into my very cells. They reconnected me to my true Nature.
And it was Grace who asked me to change my given name to hers, right around the same time that I fell in love with Bees.
For me, Grace is pure Essence.
She is something you Feel.
Grace will flood your heart and fill your being.
She can flush you clean like a spring breeze, filling your lungs with a rush of true knowing.
She can bring you to your knees with gratitude for your life, and for all living Beings.
This is the feeling I encounter when I am with the Bees. It turns out they like hanging out in the same Field – filled with poppies and wildflowers.

I never saw this magical Calling coming…
Because for me, perhaps like for you, there has been a lot of learning and a lot of suffering along the Way. I now understand that I didn’t have to see the path, because Grace did and does, and She has been gently holding my hand and my tender heart, as we have wound our way around the golden infinity trail called Life, through this endless Garden of Eden, with a swarm of bees dancing behind us.
And so here I am, at the very ripe age of 56 and I seem to be Flowering. Yay, Yay, Yay, I Say! I am both, remarkably, a flower and a bee. The Flower and the Flo-er. A conduit for the endless amounts of Wisdom and Nectar the Bees have to share and for Grace who just wants to keep pouring through me in so many different ways. And I find my Heart flooding open these days by the ordinary, which is constantly seeming extraordinary.
The Nectar of Grace is flowing, and it wants to be shared.
There is a honey flow happening in my heart.

And that is what We (the Bees and Grace and Grace) want for you.
We want to help you relax into a flowering state, we want to encourage your Heart to Open to the Sun, so its nectars can begin to flow, so that you can make sweet honey with your life. And then share your Abundance with the world.