“And finally, I lived my life. Equal parts honey and sting.
Dropping the need to know anything.
Free. With a will, and a song, and a prayer.
Strong in my heart and so willing to bear.
Your pain, and yes mine, let it bring us to our knees.
And there in the dew we will commune with the bees.”
-Grace Jordan

I believe that we have come to a crossroads in our evolution as a species and that there really is only one road to take now. And that is the road of the Heart.
I believe that if our children are going to experience the Eden which is our Earth, and their inheritance, then we must turn inward and ask ourselves the BIG questions. We must look to the greed, the sexism, the racism, the hatred, and the perception of separation within our own hearts and minds. We must face these deep shadows, these uncomfortable reflections, and in so doing, simultaneously experience our capacity for the most sublime kind of love and connection we have ever known.
I believe in us, because the bees do. They have told me that the Awakening Human Heart contains the most sublime nectars in the Universe.
And I want you to believe it too. Oh, how I want this for us all. I believe that if we can awaken our hearts, so that they may flower, we will walk a golden road together, where we understand that we are abundant because we are part of this Earth. We are abundant because we have this life.
I believe in these humble honeybees, in these tiny creatures who have been making love to the Earth for so many thousands of years. I believe in their capacity to connect with our human hearts. I believe that they can help us re-imagine a World of Love, Truth, Authenticity and Beauty. I believe this, because it is what they have helped me do.
And I believe in Grace. Divine Grace, who reigns as a Queen to a Hive of Honeybees in this in-dwelling place called the Garden of Eden, where resides your Flowering Heart.

We want to help your heart relax into its flowering state. We want to encourage your Heart to Open to the Sun, so its nectars can begin to flow, so that you can make sweet honey with your life. And then share your Abundance with the world.
- Grace and the Bees
In a Honey session, we sit, we breathe. We relax. We pause.
We get to know each other a bit, so our hearts can begin to soften and open. We rest in the field of Grace, with the humming, humble, honeybees and we let the Nectar of Grace, the Nectar of your Flowering Human Heart – begin to flow. We taste its essences, we sense its messages, and through this incredible alchemical process we begin to understand what ingredients and steps are needed to make the perfect honey from this Nectar, for you, and your life. A prescription for your Flowering Heart, from your Flowering Heart.
Sometimes on our own, we just can’t see, hear, feel, touch, or sense, into what our next step might be. The Step that might just lead to an opening into the realm of our very own heart, into the realm of Grace.
Or perhaps what you need is to share your Grief with a fellow Earth Pilgrim, who knows Grief very well and has turned to the wisdom of the Hive and to Divine Grace for solace, and can help you do the same.
For you see, we want you to realize your greatest dreams in this life. And to know with certainty that only you get to determine what those dreams are.
We want you to fully understand that you are a Sovereign Being of immense and eternal wonder.
We want to gently lead you back Home. To your Flowering Heart. Where the Nectar of Grace can be turned into Honey. One of the most sacred medicines that exists on this Earth.
And then you will have an understanding of what it means to Blossom and to Beeeeee…..
Honey Sessions
We can meet on-line or in person. Each session includes a recording, and written Heart Prescription.

Let’s In-dwell. For a Spell.
The Deeper we Go, the more the Nectar flows.
There is both Honey and Sting, when your Heart is Flowering.
Time to Blossom and to Bee. This is your Divine Destiny.
“As Oracles, we listen deeply to what is arising in the dark and then utter for the soul of the one who is seeking.” The Bee Oracle
Oracular healing in my experience, comes from the deep subterranean realm of the Womb. The first brain, as it is often referred to by other Female Seers that I have learned from. It was once, well-trodden terrain and is becoming so again.
“From this Sacred Place of Infinite Grace.
In the deep, in the dark, of this Wombic Space.
A Message, a Myth, or perhaps, a Poem will arise.
And up, and up, and up, it will glide.
To your Flowering Heart, whose petals have opened.
To receive this Gift of Eternal Devotion.”
The Bee Oracle
Have you ever been caught in a loop of thinking created by that other brain way up in the head? Where you feel like you have arrived at the same place again and again? Like a gerbil going round and round on the wheel in its cage? Have you ever been kidnapped by the negative self talk of the ego, or that feeling of unworthiness that just won’t stop punishing you and maybe you don’t even know what for?
We need each other for reflection, and for help in looking at a query from another angle/dimension/viewpoint/space or field. Please pick whatever one of these words that resonates best with you. We just often cannot see it for ourselves, and this is why we have each other.
So here then is the offering from the Bee Oracle:
One Question, One Uttering.
One Dream, One Reflection.
You send me your Blessed Question or your Sacred Dream, and I will tune into the field of Grace, to the vibration of the Bees, to your Sacred Heart’s murmurings, and to whomever else might come with a message of Love, and then ‘we’ will extend our alchemical response back to you. Click here and you will be directed to my contact page where you can send your BEE ORACLE question. I will answer it within the next 7 days. Please specify your question is for a BEE ORACLE.
One Question, or the Reflection of One Dream
$55 - Includes both the transcript and the recording of the Bee Oracle's Response.
Please allow a maximum of 7 days for your Utterance or your Reflection.

Monthly Channelings, Musings, Epiphanies, Meditations and Stories with Grace and the Bees. Sweet Medicine for your Flowering Heart.
Welcome to your Monthly Hive Honey Session!
One glorious morning, in a collaboration, inspiration, contemplation Honey Session, Grace and the Bees asked a most important question. Perhaps they would say, one of THE most important questions:
“What is the Greatest Service we can offer the Flowering Human Heart?”
It is 22 minutes in a Sacred Space with the Humble Honeybees and Infinite Grace.
There will be stories of course, and riddles, possibly rhymes.
Prayers and meditations, and deep rituals for these times.
Our Guides will Bee your Collective Hearts’ longing.
We can Hear your Great Need to feel this Bee-longing.
So, we will share with you what needs to be Spoken.
Our Wish and our Will is to help you soften.
To beckon your Flowering Heart to open and to Blossom.
Where its soft petals will feel the beating of Her wings,
Beckoning you to Bee while you receive our Offerings.
How does that sound?
We hope to Bee with you the 22nd of every month. COMING SOON!
At 2:22pm PST is when we will speak, and probably sing. Expect almost anything.
And please know that you will Bee received with so much Grace and so much Love.
Until then, Blessed Bee.
Coming Soon, Stay Tuned - September 22, 2023