Your heart is fierce, and it is fertile. It has been growing in all kinds of conditions and soils, some rich and nutritious and others downright barren. And yet still it grows. Still, it reaches, stretches, and deepens its soul roots. Still, it breaks through the crusty cracks of old paradigms proclaiming its right to be here, to blossom. It is waiting for the signal to open, it is waiting for the right conditions for it to begin its flowering, its announcement of fertility, of sweet nectarous flow. Your heart knows when to flower so that it will have the best chance to survive and thrive. If you are reading this, my guess is that your fierce and fertile heart, filled to the edges of its beating with inner sunlight is starting its blooming process. It is putting out its call to all pollinators of love, the winged dream seed makers. “Youwhooooooooooo! Here I am. Fierce in my desire to evolve, fierce in my desire to connect with those beings and situations that open me up, who are magnetized by the event itself – oh my goodness bee-hold – my Flowering Heart!”
And all the while the blossom that is your heart, quivers in anticipation, all its soft and vulnerable petals curled, pools of nectar gathering. “This is for Her it suddenly realizes! This infinite, fertile, unfurling of beauty, this is my service! This is for Gaia. This is for Grace. This is for the Pollinator’s of Love! And so, the blossom decides to let go and Bee. This time it thinks: “I will open even wider than my last try at flowering. My nectar, so sweet, and so sublime, that Eden herself will want to sup.”
A heart knows that once the flowering begins, all bets are off, all knowing is unknown, and only trust and surrender remain, like the rain and the sun of this life, the breath and the Will of Her nature and the sheer beauty of creation - it is glorious!
Your heart is fierce, and it is fertile. And it is Flowering.