In the early days of January 2020, I was really feeling into the Archetype of the Crone. It seemed a bit early, but I really was beginning to think of myself in that way, to feel my Elder. One day I heard this phrase – Crone in the Chrysalis. That has quite the ring to it I thought. And then I began to feel that my ‘Crone’ was actually trying to talk to me. My future Me.
I look up the definition of Crone in the dictionary. Old woman, hag, it says. Hmmmmm. When I tell members of my family and friends that the Crone has come into my life, they have visceral reactions – because they don’t think I am a Crone yet, that I am living 20 years into the future. And they don’t think I am a Hag. And then I get mad! How misogynistic! There in bold print – old woman and hag side by side in the bloody dictionary. Doesn’t exactly engender excitement about becoming a Crone. No wonder I am fearing this aging process.
But I keep feeling that She has come for a reason. Maybe it is because lately I have been thinking a lot about the Wheel of Archetypes that exist within our psyches, and how it seems to me that they are all accessible, at any time, even if one doesn’t remember all that much about their childhood, like me, or that your maiden was completely lost.
I realize that as I work with my inner Queendom, and as I struggle so laboriously with my aging and my addictions that it makes sense for her to make a house call. And who gets to decide about right timing (that is what Divine Grace does) – She is here whether She is too early or not. So, I decide to communicate with my Crone. I ask her why she has come and what is this Chrysalis? She gets right to it. She calls herself C.T.C for short.
“You called out to me/us, engaged my/our services so to speak, because of your fear of remaining stuck in old thought patterns that you know are aging you – faster than you would like. You think you can avoid aging like the rest of your Western culture. That to become old is a state to be absolutely reviled because of your fear of death – hence the word Crone given the dictionary definition of old Hag. You believe that your declining sexuality is representative of your own demise and decline as a woman in menopause who still has bodily desires. You have felt this so deeply and you fear that you have dug in your heels, that there is some part of you who has already decided to become a bitter, alcoholic victim of your life’s choices. Some part of you, that has given up on believing that you will be able to participate in any real positive way to this New Beginning Cycle of Earth.
This is why I/We am here. The Wheel of Archetypes that you are particularly drawn to at this time – Innocent Child, Maiden, Mother, Wise Woman, Crone – does exist inside of you. As well as many other Archetypes of course! All, at this time in the Earth’s passage and transition, are feeling the Crone in some way. Because of the pervading collective feeling that you are so close to Death’s door.
I come with a message of relief for you, Beloved.
Rest in your diversity, and duplicity. Revel in the paradox – the Fool loves a good story with confused and juicy characters. Your Crone laughs and cackles all the Way to the so-called finish line, pops out the other side and starts laughing again, in an ageless, loop-di-loop of shenanigans and tickle trunks. Don’t fear Death. IN all honesty, you have come here to dance the infinity dance. So that means you have the ability to Bee the Wheel of Infinity - all Archetypes, simultaneously. And when the Sacred Fool does this – doorways and pathways seemingly lost to the Cosmos – smash open – in the deepest, subterranean parts of your psyche, igniting a golden-hued nectar flow in the nectary of your Heart.
You need an audience like a flower needs the bee Beloved. Plain and simple. I understand how hard this calling is for you – that is why I am here with you now – to dance the Infinity Dance within the Chrysalis with you, reveling in your ability to influence your imaginal cells with the love you have for the human being and their pilgrimage here.
I want to encourage you to begin to heap this love onto yourself, to Bee-gin to know your Bee Kin and to open your Queen’s Heart to the World. You so want to Breathe with Pneuma your Consort, to fully inhabit The Queen of Heart’s realm, the realm of the Sacred Human Heart. I am softly calling to you, sweetly calming you, so that you may relax into the softness of your human skin, to encourage you to love that skin instead of wanting to tear it off. Inhabit. Inhabit. Live in the glory of the flesh, love its decay, and bow down to the beauty of the Whole Design, the Wheels of Infinity. When you begin to understand this capacity of yours to Bee it all, your doubt will begin to fall away, and you will simply begin to be the Nectar of Grace. There are those who will want to drink and go pollinate and those who will turn the nectar away.
When you love your skin, and all of who you are, there is no need to thicken it, to have armor. Love truly is ALL, so it is ALL you need. And love feels naked and raw and innocent and present and now and past and future and all that is. You have this ability to exist in all planes, to access infinite knowledge and your primary guide and ally is She Who Calls Herself the Bee. And Grace, of course. Gather your Hive and Swarm, over and over and over again. One becomes Two and then becomes One again.