Sweet Medicine for Your Flowering Heart 


You have landed Sweet-One.
You are in the right place.
Surrounded by Honeybees and Infinite Grace.
We are listening. We are Here. All Channels are Open.
To every word from your Heart that wants to be spoken.

A Flowering Heart is a beautiful thing to experience and Bee-hold.

But sometimes our tender hearts need a little extra help to open. Sometimes they need to be reminded to feel the sun pouring in, so that they can unfurl and unfold.
To remember to Blossom and to Bee, to Flower and to Flow.

Sometimes our heart needs to be reminded to trust in its unfolding and to wait patiently for the humble honey bee to arrive to imbibe its nectars. To trust in Grace.

Heart Healing with Grace & the bees


A Deep Dive into the Sweet Sublime Nectars of Your Heart.


Receive an oracular response for One Question, or the reflection of One Dream.


Join Grace and the Bees once a month for a LIVE channeling session.

Meet Grace

Grace has been called a Wisdom Mystic, A Sacred Fool, A Heart Magician, and a Change Alchemist. 

She considers it Her greatest Honour to Commune with Honeybees, and the Feminine Spirit of Grace, in Service to your Exquisite, Flowering, Human, Heart.  

  • Love Notes

    Grace encouraged me in the use of my creativity as a means of healing past pains, that had left me fearful of connecting to my own sacred self. She reminded me of my own strength, intuition, and courage. I left the session feeling lighter, inspired, firmly grounded to the Earth, and connected with my own gifts. I would highly recommend, a Honey Session, to anyone ready to be guided into the depths of their own self-wisdom.

    - Jessica, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

  • Love Notes

    Your heart leadership was so loving and gentle. A space that felt dripping in the sweetness of the nectar of unconditional love. The spaciousness and allowance that was created by your relaxed and trusting presence created no room to wobble in the full participation of all your invitations.

  • Love Notes

    Your presence is so loving, Grace. You pour forth a compassion and dedication to awaken the human heart to fully receive all that we are.

    - Nicola Povey, Salt Spring Island, BC

  • Love Notes

    The Honey Sessions brought me deeply into myself. Grace's presence and love create a safe and sensual container, and the entire experience was full, fun, restful and rich. There has been a shift in me that is lasting, for which I am very grateful. I really enjoyed the connection with the sisters of the hive, and the sweetness of the journey.

    - Sue Earle, Queen of Duck Creek Farm, Salt Spring Island, BC

  • Love Notes

    I have worked with healers in different parts of the world and Grace stands out as an individual with deep insight, an intuitive guide of life force and a wise friend in bringing language to that which has none. Her work with the way of bees is a sweet and potent gift that deserves to be shared and savoured!

    - Dr. Philip Cook, Executive Director, International Institute for Child Rights and Development

  • Love Notes

    Your session was so beautiful. I am in awe. Makes me believe in this dream when magical beings like you are around to delight me and walk me through the next portal. I am having some PROFOUND realizations these past few days.

  • Love Notes

    I felt so held and nurtured in your presence of pure unconditional love.

  • Love Notes

    The beautiful sacred space you held was such a gift to my being that was needing a safe space to unravel. The clear potent wisdom you shared with me was exactly what my heart needed to hear. I received so many beautiful pearls of wisdom that feel like true gifts from my own divine soul. Thank you for being so present and in such deep listening to what my being was ripe to reveal.

    - Kari Mathieson, Salt Spring Island, BC

  • Love Notes

    My Honey Session with Grace was one of the warmest, deepest heart-opening experiences of my life. She has the ability to meet another on levels both ancient and childlike - simultaneously. I am integrating the beautiful poetry and wisdom of the hive into my life every day, and can only recommend this experience to anyone wanting to taste the honey of their life and their soul.

    - Tim Kempe, P.Eng., President, Pacific Project Systems